

    [group Teacher] [/group] [group Teachers] [/group] [group Instrument] [/group] [group Instruments] [/group] [group Country] [/group] [group OnlineDayTime] [/group] [group OnlineDayTime2] [/group]

    Personal Information

    [group Address] [/group]

    Terms & Conditions – For Online Students

    1. Registration will have to be done prior to starting online lessons. The registration fee is LKR 5000
    2. Fees should be paid at least 24 hours prior to the lesson. You can pay for any number of lessons at a given time.
    3. Lesson duration will be 45 minutes and it can extend up to a maximum of 1 hour.
    4. If a student wishes to cancel a scheduled lesson, the teacher should be given at least 24 hours notice. If not, the payment will not be brought forward to another lesson.
    5. Students should be ready on time for their lessons. If a student delays to connect at the scheduled time, he/she will only be able to take the class for the remainder of his/her allotted time.
    6. All payments made to Amarillo School of Music will be non-refundable.

    Terms & Conditions – For Students At Amarillo

    1. Fees will be applicable to a calendar month and should be paid on the day of the first lesson of every month.
    2. Payments for individual lessons will not be accepted.
    3. Four lessons will be given on the scheduled days for each month.
    4. Where there are 5 scheduled days in a month, classes will not be held on the 5th day.
    5. If a student cannot attend a class, the school should be informed.
    6. In the event of a missed class, the student is entitled to one extra lesson per month, only if 24 hours prior notice had been given.
    7. If you miss a rescheduled class, another will not be given in lieu of that.
    8. If a student is unable to attend lessons for a long period of time, and wishes to retain his/her time slot, the monthly fees should continue to be paid.
    9. If a student is absent for two weeks, and the current months fees have not been paid, the time slot will not be reserved.
    10. Students must bring their attendance cards with them and he/she must ascertain that the card is marked by the teacher after each lesson.
    11. Students should be on time for their lessons. If a student is late, they will be able to take their class only for the remaining time.
    12. Payments made for a particular month cannot be carried forward to the next month.
    13. All payments made to the Amarillo Academy of Music will be non-refundable.